Friday 28 January 2011

OMG! Totally Remembered The Essay I Wrote For Katie To Use In Her Craft & Design Work!

So sitting here, lying on my bed and it hit me! The story of the century! LOL! Bit of an exageration but anywho, this is what happend yesterday (27/1/2011).

Me, Rowan, Sarah and Katie were all in Art and Rowan and Katie were working on their craft work, so i said to Katie i would do her essay for her! So my creative imagination went wild, it went a bit like this, but don't get angry if it is not 100% accurate =D

'In my work i used some sticks, and twigs and string. The inspiration for my work was Rowan Ward and Matt Brewin as they are amazing. So basically, i would have took some photos of this piece of work but my camera broke and my printer is pretty shit. When finally i got some photos i used biro, fine-liner and sharpie to make them look better. Anyway, i think you should give me an A for this piece of work because i totally deserve it. Also i would like to beat rowan's grade as i would rub it in her face for the next 10 years of her life =) So yeah, please give me a good grade or you will get proper bad beatings.
Much Love xx'

So yeah there you have it, the amazing essay, i don't think she included this piece in her work, but you have to agree it is pretty dang AMAZING! =)

And So We Begin.........

So here we are, life as we know it, all seems well in the world and life, well where do i start with life.
Life has been pretty bland and boring recently, just like a boring digestive buiscuit, or a glass of water. Something needs to occur for it to make it seem a bit more exciting; what i would like to happen is if just maybe, I got into a relationship, or a change of scenery, or a holiday would be nice right now.
Anywhos, can't complain about them things now.

So a little about me, and if you have decided to read on then HI!, My names Matt, live in some crappy little village called Staplefield, infested by old people and like living in the dark ages! Anyway, I'm 17 so life is a bit of a rollercoaster tbh. Learning to drive! exams at college and just life in general, but that is what happens to all 17 year olds.
At college i am studying, sociology, maths (don't even ask me why), English literature and Web design =)

God love my friends to pieces, they are what keep me going in life, Vicky, Joanne, Fern, Nadine, Rowan, Chloe, Kirsti, Ray, Hayley, Howard, Chloe, Emily, Megan, Ella, and many many others!
Family also help alot in times of need: My sister's Laura and Emma, My cousin Laura (Adopted Sister), Cousin Thomas, Aunt Amanda, Crazy Granny, Mother Belinda, Dad (OLD) Mick and Some Others =)
So yeah, if you enjoyed me going on about my life, i hope you will stick by and read more about my life, day by day as i complain about how it is going! Hehehehehe.

Thanks Y'All,
Speaks Laters!!!!!!! :D